Thursday, August 28, 2008

a bit of welshie

still in wales but coming home soon. 5 wonderful days thanks to my best mate...aka scotty. been to many places, lots of walking, beautiful sights and a breathtaking green all over. People are truly, very friendly and i felt more than welcome. i also had time to see beauty and the beast. roxy is very special and i was lucky cause she slept on my lap. what a princess!!! benny is a boy so obviously hes a rascal just like his brother scott, he tried to put his tongue up my nose. and then we walked the dogs. rem concert was amazing and watched editors for the 3rd time..tom without his curls but still the rebel boy i love..stipe was sexy, specially dancing. watched there will be blood, wall-e and dont mess with the zohan...ill post some stuff later


Mar said...

Já não escreves em português?! É que eu não percebo estrangeiro. Sempre fui muito básica. :-)


Crezia said...

Olha olha (sacana sacana) dá notícas quando chegares, sim?
Acaso tendes ido ao disparáta-mos? Aguarda-vos um post, senhora.

Lady_Bug said...

Teve de ser em ingles, caso contrário o homem nao

filomena teodoro said...

E que tal avisares? Foste ver a minha banda e não dizes nada? Como foi??????Estou em choque B, trouxeste recuerdos?bjos Mena